Unisa has announced the dates for second semester registration for all undergraduate qualifications, honours degrees, and postgraduate diplomas with semester modules.They had planned to have this period run over 10 days but they have extended this period for a full three weeks.It's important to keep in mind that there might be a limited number of s… Read More

Have you been serious about a task to be a traffic police officer? It is an effective occupation possibility as you'll be a respected member from the community and will be helping to enforce law and order in your area. Traffic officers may also be part of the attempts to raise the level of safety on our roadways by making sure that motorists are li… Read More

NSFAS is the National Student Financial Aid Scheme, the South African government's funding body that is tasked with making university and TVET College studies available to students from families that can't usually afford the fees. Their 'student centered model' allows individual students to keep a check on their own bursary applications and account… Read More

The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) in Mpumalanga has verified which the approval of one of the social grants follows a procedure - one becoming a verification course of action.The government agency stated which the Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD) applicants really should Observe that whenever they run a Sassa status check and th… Read More